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Home > Probability
Fair Toss (Posted on 2024-07-02) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Suppose you have one fair coin, that is, a coin that comes up heads half the time and tails half the time.

Show how to use this coin to choose fairly among N people. Solutions using the fewest coin tosses are preferred.

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Some Thoughts an algorithmic trick idea | Comment 2 of 12 |
Before getting into an actual solution, here is an algorithmic trick idea which might help in special cases where two or multiple factors sum to a power of 2.

e.g. N = 15.  3*5=15    3+5=8
Number them from 0 to 14.  Can be simultaneously 5 groups of 3, and/or 3 groups of 5.

Flip 3 times, converting the results in order to construct a 3 digit binary number.
If that number is 0,1,2,3,4 select the corresponding group of three.
If the binary is 5,6,7  select from the corresponding group of five: group {0,1,2} if the binary number is {5,6,7}.
This works for 15 because its prime factors add to a power of 2.

In 3 flips you've narrowed down from 15 to either 3 (5/8 chance) or 5 (3/8 chance).  Log2 of 15 is about 3.9, so there may well be a better way making this trick obsolete:

Another thought for 15 is to add one to get a power of 2.  Flip 4 times to make a binary number.  There is a 15/16 chance you're done:  match the number to the person.  If you select the one who doesn't exist, repeat the four flips.  Expected flips is 4(1 + 1/16 + 1/16^2 etc) = 4*16/15 = 4.2666...

I don't think I can narrow down from 3 to 1 or 5 to 1 in just 1.2666 flips, so for N=15, the "trick" didn't help. But I haven't ruled out that it might help for larger numbers, especially if it is more than two factors. 

  Posted by Larry on 2024-07-02 11:11:10
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