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Two Cube Folding Puzzles #2 (Posted on 2024-07-03) Difficulty: 3 of 5
How can a 3x5 rectangle be cut (and still remain in one piece) and be able to be folded into a 1x1x1 cube?
How about a 3x3 square?

No Solution Yet Submitted by K Sengupta    
Rating: 3.0000 (2 votes)

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Hints/Tips Thoughts Comment 2 of 2 |
I'm not sure what KS intends, the second case is already covered in the original Two Cube Folding Puzzles.  
And the first case, all 11 distinct ways of unfolding a cube into a hexomino fit in a 3x5 rectangle, and 10 of those hexominos will fit in a 3x4 rectangle, too. So it is rather trivial to make redundant cuts and fold the excess onto the hexomino before folding it into a cube.

I did see opportunity for something not covered by the original problem: How to cut and fold the 3x5 rectangle to doubly cover the faces of a unit cube.  That is to say each of the six faces has at least two layers of the original rectangle covering it.

I found this answer.  The solid lines indicate where the cuts should occur and the numbers indicate which face of a standard die is covered when folded.
| 6| 2  3| 3  1|
+ +--+ + + +
| 2| 2  6  5| 5|
+ + + +--+ +
| 1  4| 4  5| 6|

  Posted by Brian Smith on 2024-07-04 11:49:52
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