Five types of flowers grow in five gardens-on five different streets.
It is known that:
1. The Smith's do not grow violets.
2. The Morgans grow peonies, they do not live on 2nd Street.
3. The Parks live on 3rd Street.
4. Begonias bloom on 4th Street.
5. Roses do not grow on 5th Street.
6. The Johnsons do not live on 1st Street.
7. The Rosens do not grow daffodils.
8. The Johnsons grow roses.
9. Daffodils grow on 1st Street.
Given the following information, determine which flowers grow where and determine the respective owners.
I got the same answer as Larry, but with two comments
Quibble 1: We don't really know what flower the Parks grow. It might be orchids, or daisies, or any of 10,000 others. We do not know for sure that anybody grows violets.
Quibble 2: Given that, we do not need clue 1 to solve the puzzle.
Puzzle improvement: Clue 1 would be necessary and sufficient if it was reworded ever so slightly, as follows: "The Smiths are not the ones who grow violets.". Then we need clue 1 to know what flower the Parks grow.