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Quick p&p problem (Posted on 2024-10-07) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Using only p&p(no calculator), determine the value of:

No Solution Yet Submitted by K Sengupta    
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re: Possible Solution Comment 3 of 3 |
(In reply to Possible Solution by broll)

Ro‘yhatdan o‘tish jarayoni juda oddiy va tez. Avvalo, Betandreas rasmiy veb-saytiga kirishingiz kerak. Keyin, siz ro‘yhatdan o‘tish usulini tanlashingiz mumkin, betandreas. Jarayon davomida siz telefon raqamingiz, elektron pochta manzilingiz va ijtimoiy tarmoq orqali kiritishingiz mumkin. O‘z parolingizni tanlab, promo kodni kiriting va shartlarga rozi ekanligingizni tasdiqlashingiz lozim. Bu jarayon 2-3 daqiqa ichida yakunlanadi, so‘ngra siz o‘yinlardan bahramand bo‘lishni boshlashingiz mumkin.

  Posted by Ffaada on 2024-10-12 12:17:00
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