Without using a calculator, determine the positive integer value of x that satisfy this equation:
x6 = 244140625
10^6 has 7 digits
100^6 has 13 digits
Our number has 9 digits and ends in 5
So x is a 2 digit number ending in 5 and closer to 10 than to 100.
Judging from the number of digits, x is probably 25.
20^6 = 64,000,000
30^6 = 729,000,000
So x must be 25.
Here are some other ways to look at it:
We note that our number is 1 mod 3.
We want a 2 digit number, ending in 5 which, when raised to the 6th power is 1 mod 3.
But 5 itself is 2 mod 3; successive powers of 2 alternate between 2 and 1 mod 3. So the first digit could be either 1 or 2 (mod 3). This rules out 35, 65, 95
The first digit can be: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8
Consider √10 * 10: approx 31.6. Square it: 1000; Cube that: 10^9 which is 10 digits. But our number is only 9 digits.
Our number must be less than 31.6
Posted by Larry
on 2024-11-28 09:33:28 |