Attempt at analytical followed by computer method.
Call the digits:
a b c
d e f
g h i
For each of the 6 3-digit numbers, the first digit cannot be zero, the sum of the 3 digits must be divisible by 3, and furthermore, the final digits [c,f,g,h,i] must each be even. If those conditions are met, all 6 will be divisible by 6.
The digits [a,b,d,e] must each be odd.
To be divisible by 5, the final digit must be 0 or 5, but 5 is ruled out, since final digits must be even.
The sums of (abc), (def), and (ghi) must each be 0 mod 3. So the sum of all 9 digits is 0 mod 3. Given that all 9 digits are distinct, the missing digit must be 0 mod 3. But the 5 cells in the right column and bottom row must all be even, so the missing digit must be odd and can only be either 3 or 9.
So far, we know that exactly one of [c,f,g,h,i] must be zero. In 4 of these cases, 1 number is divisible by 5. But if i=0 then 2 numbers are divisible by 5.
Analytic Method: assume all ways of placing the 0 into those 5 positions is equally likely (probably not a valid assumption).
Then the number of 3-digit numbers divisible by 5 is the average of [1,1,1,1,2] = 1.2 <-- but this is wrong
Computer Method: confirm or refute with brute force program.
The computer program shows that the above assumption was indeed incorrect.
The brute force program shows that the 0 is never in the bottom right corner (i=0 never occurs) and so in each case, there is exactly one number divisible by 5.
Program output showing total, singles, doubles:
64 64 0
from itertools import permutations
ct_all = 0
ct_one = 0
ct_two = 0
evens = '02468'
for p in permutations('0123456789',9):
a = int(p[0])
b = int(p[1])
c = int(p[2])
if c % 2 != 0:
if (a+b+c) % 3 != 0:
d = int(p[3])
e = int(p[4])
f = int(p[5])
if f % 2 != 0:
if (d+e+f) % 3 != 0:
g = int(p[6])
if g % 2 != 0:
h = int(p[7])
if h % 2 != 0:
i = int(p[8] )
if i % 2 != 0:
if (g+h+i) % 3 != 0:
if (a+d+g) % 3 != 0:
if (b+e+h) % 3 != 0:
if (c+f+i) % 3 != 0:
ct_all += 1
if c==0 or f==0 or g==0 or h==0:
ct_one += 1
if i==0:
ct_two += 1
print(ct_all, ct_one, ct_two)