Four gentlemen (A, B, C, and D) went to an expensive restaurant to dine. They checked their coats, hats, gloves, and canes at the door (each of the gentlemen had one of each). But when they checked out, there was a mix up, and each of the men ended up with exactly one article of clothing (a pair of gloves is considered a single article of clothing) belonging to each one of the four.
A and B ended up with their own coats, C ended up with his own hat, and D ended up with his own gloves. A did not end up with C's cane.
State whose coat, hat, gloves, and cane each of the gentlemen ended up with.
A- A's coat, B's hat, C's gloves, D's cane
B- B's coat, A's gloves, C's cane, D's hat
C- C's hat, D's coat, A's cane, B's gloves
D- D's gloves, A's hat, B's cane, C's coat
I did this one a little different then I normally would have (using a grid) and instead simply made four rows labeled A, B, C, D and wrote the given info in the row. I then wrote for example for A: A coat, B D hat, B C D cane. I then just crossed off choices as they were eliminated. This just seemed faster to me for this problem.
Posted by Jill
on 2003-09-02 20:19:38 |