A name which has nothing to do with this question
(well almost nothing)
What percentage of the circle is shaded? (The quadrangle shown in the picture is a square with one of the vertices in the circle's center.)

By definition, a circle is all the points equidistant fromt he center. 25% of the interior is shaded green. The other 75% is shaded blue. So 100% of the circle's interior is shaded. BUT the circle itself is the set of points in black, so you could say 100% of the circle is shaded in black, or if you were a tricky bastard you could say that none of it is shaded because black isn't considered a shade, i.e. it's considered neutral. That's as good an answer as I can give. In any case you are a tricky, vague bastard, qball -- not that there's anything wrong with that.
Posted by Lawrence
on 2003-09-05 22:31:00 |