- How many letters does the correct answer to this question contain?
- What is one more than the number of letters in the correct answer to this question?
- What is two more than the number of letters in the correct answer to this question?
- What is the lowest number n for which you cannot answer the question: "What is n more than the number of letters in the correct answer to this question," if you have to give a simple answer (in words)?
- Or, see how far you can go and still come up with an expression to answer that same question for some n.
Find as many answers as you can for each question (also see
here for some interesting ideas).
Following the logic from previous comment, the answer to question 2 must be a number whose value is one greater than the amount of letters to spell it. In this case, the answer would be "five".
Therefore, the answer to question 3 is "seven".
For number 4, assuming n is a positive integer(although everyone knows what happens when you assume), by going up the number line we see that there is no number whose value is exactly 18 greater than the amount of letters that spell it. twenty-six is 17 greater (9 letters), and twenty-nine is 19 greater (10 letters), making the lowest number 18.
I'll leave question 5 for the real brainiacs; I'm just a rookie on this team.