A/BC + D/EF + G/HI = 1
Each of three fractions has a one-digit numerator and a two-digit denominator. The three fractions together add up to one. Place the nine digits 1-9 into the fractions to make the equation correct.
(In reply to
Well... (First Steps) by TomM)
Suppose you start with the 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/6 and get two fractions with the same numerator (eg 8/16 and 8/48) We could then increase the one fraction to 9/16 and decrease the other by an equivalent amount to 5/48, and they will still add up to 2/3. [In this case, 2, 3, and 7 are left, and we can't make 1/3 out of them, but this does present a challange to be overcome before we go to the blind trial-and-error of assuming only that the numerators are large.]
Posted by TomM
on 2002-07-23 06:48:50 |