Using the digits in 1996 and any operations (but not mathematical constants), try to write equations that have the numbers from 0 to 100 as the answer.
For example with 1995:
0 = 1*(9-9)*5
2 = (19-9)/5
Provide as many as you can. Digits 1,9,9 and 6 do not have to appear in order. (But each digit has to be used - 1 and 6 once, 9 twice.)
This is more of a game than a puzzle
(In reply to
re(2): Missing numbers by levik)
Actually it looks like he means the same thing as your "floor" (the greatest integer ≤ x).
Personally, I feel that "exotic" functions and operators are all right if they are absolutely necessary, but if the number can be "made" without them the "simpler" equation is better.
Of course "exotic" is a relative term. To some people factorials (!) are "exotic." To more, combinations [ C(a,b)* = a!/[(b!)(a - b)!] are exotic. etc.
*When the medium permits, combinations are more often witten without the C operator: just the a and the b within the parentheses with the a over the b (as in a fraction, but without the division bar)
Posted by TomM
on 2002-08-15 10:57:11 |