During the summer, Heidi earned money by working for four neighbors, doing a different job for each. Given the following information:
- Zach hired Heidi to walk his dogs.
- Either Angelica or Maurice lives at #141.
- Raquel lives two houses east of the person who employed Heidi as a babysitter.
- The neighbor who lives at #139 and the person who hired Heidi to do housecleaning are of opposite genders.
- It's not the person who hired Heidi to do gardening that lives in the easternmost house, #143.
- All the neighbors live in a row on the same side of the street.
Find each neighbor's name, house number, and the job that Heidi did for each.
Angela - 141 - Gardening
Maurice - 139 - Babysitting
Raquel - 143 - Housecleaning
Zach - 137 - Walk his dogs