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Home > Logic > Weights and Scales
Pumpkins 5 (Posted on 2016-01-06) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Five pumpkins are weighed two at a time in all possible combinations. The results of the weighings gives nine different values, similar to the second Pumpkins puzzle.

But this time the repeated weight is omitted from the list. The eight distinct weights are 24, 28, 30, 34, 36, 38, 44, and 50 kilograms.

Determine the weights of the pumpkins and the omitted weight.

  Submitted by Brian Smith    
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Let A, B, C, D, E be the weights of the five pumpkins in ascending order. Similar to the previous problem:
A+B = 24
A+C = 28
C+E = 44
D+E = 50

The omitted duplicate weight accounts for the sum of four of the five pumpkins. Therefore the sum of the eight weights given equals 3 times the sum of the weight of all five pumpkins plus the one pumpkin which is not in the duplicate set. If W represents that pumpkin, then:
3*(A+B+C+D+E) + W = 284

The system of equations formed can be reduced to:
B = C-4
A = 28-C
D = C+6
E = 44-C
W = 62-3C

There are five cases to consider - W being each of A-E. Substituting A-E in turn and finishing solving the system yields:

If W=A then A=11, B=13, C=17, D=23, E=27. The duplicate weight is B+E = C+D = 40. This is a solution.

If W=B then C=16.5 and B=12.5. This is enough to discard this answer since B+C = 29, which is not in the list of given weights and cannot be the omitted weight (the omitted weight must be A+E = C+D in this case).

If W=C then C=15.5 and B=11.5. With B+C = 27 and the omitted weight being A+E = B+D, this case can be discarded by the same reasoning as the prior case.

If W=D then C=14 and D=20. Then A=14, B=10 and E=30. The weight 36 does not appear as any combination of A-E, therefore this is not a solution.

If W=E then C=9 and E=35. Then A=19, B=5, and D=15. The weight 30 does not appear as any combination of A-E, therefore this is not a solution.

The pumpkins weigh 11, 13, 17, 23, and 27 kilograms. The omitted weight is 13+27 = 17+23 = 40 kilograms.

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  Subject Author Date
Solutioncomputer solutionCharlie2016-01-06 11:25:21
SolutionSolutionJer2016-01-06 11:14:20
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