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Get it in Gear (Posted on 2003-08-15) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Four gears are in constant mesh with each other. Gear A meshes only with Gear B, B meshes with A and C, C meshes with B and D, and D meshes only with C, like this:


Gears A, B, C, and D have 35, 27, 84, and 34 teeth, respectively.

If a vertical stripe is painted on each gear, what is the minimum number of revolutions (>0) gear A would have to make before the four stripes are vertical again?

  Submitted by Bryan    
Rating: 4.3333 (3 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
As two gears turn, the same number of teeth on each gear will pass through the point where they mesh, regardless of the number of teeth on each gear. For example if gear A is turned such that 5 teeth pass through the point where A and B mesh, then 5 teeth on gear B will pass through that point as well. At the same time, 5 teeth on gear B will pass through the point where B and C mesh, or in other words, all gears will rotate by 5 teeth if one does.

Therefore, if all the gears rotate such that the lowest common multiple of the number of gear teeth pass through a given point, all the gears will rotate an integral number of times, and their stripes will all be vertical again. If that number is cut in half, some of the gears will still rotate an integral number of times, and others will make several full revolutions and one half revolution, and all the lines will still be vertical.

The LCM of teeth for the four gears is 2²*3³*5*7*17. If gear A (which has 5*7 teeth) rotates until this many teeth pass a given point, it will make 2²*3³*17 revolutions. Half this number is 2*3³*17 or 918 revolutions.

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  Subject Author Date
Some ThoughtsPuzzle ThoughtsK Sengupta2023-04-27 23:52:50
re: Simple LCMLawrence2003-08-24 06:09:18
SolutionSimple LCMLawrence2003-08-24 05:59:40
No SubjectDave Cheetham2003-08-17 12:21:44
Some ThoughtsA correctionFederico Kereki2003-08-15 22:13:09
Solutionre: The Mechanical RevolutionCharlie2003-08-15 14:49:10
re: The Mechanical RevolutionBryan2003-08-15 14:28:59
SolutionThe Mechanical RevolutionGamer2003-08-15 14:18:10
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