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BAD Ceed (Posted on 2019-02-27) Difficulty: 2 of 5
You are to place one each of A, B, C and D in each row of the below grid, leaving one cell blank. Do this in such a way that each column will also have one each of A, B, C and D and one blank.

Around the edges have been placed letters indicating the closest non-blank entry in that row or column. For example, the A to the right of row 2 indicates that the last non-blank in that row should be an A. The first non-blank in that row will be a D as indicated by the D to the left of that row.

          A       D         
   ||   |   |   |   |   ||  
 D ||   |   |   |   |   || A
   ||   |   |   |   |   || B
   ||   |   |   |   |   ||  
 B ||   |   |   |   |   || A

From Mensa Puzzle Calendar 2019 by Fraser Simpson, Workman Publishing, New York. Puzzle for February 19.

  Submitted by Charlie    
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A D          ++===+===+===+===+===++   || B | A | | D | C ||   ++---+---+---+---+---++   D || D | C | B | A | || A ++---+---+---+---+---++   || A | D | C | | B || B ++---+---+---+---+---++   || C | | A | B | D ||   ++---+---+---+---+---++   B || | B | D | C | A || A ++===+===+===+===+===++   C                     

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  Subject Author Date
SolutionPuzzle SolutionK Sengupta2022-06-15 23:37:14
SolutionSolution onlyCaleb2019-02-27 21:19:40
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