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Some Powers Differ by 2001 (Posted on 2023-09-16) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Find all possible pairs (x,n) of positive integers that satisfy this equation:
xn+1 - (n+1)x = 2001
Prove that no further pair exists that satisfies all the given conditions.

Note: Computer program/excel solver assisted solutions are welcome, but a semi-analytic (p&p and hand calculator) methodology is preferred.

  Submitted by K Sengupta    
Rating: 5.0000 (1 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
a=13, n=2 is the only solution in positive integers to the given equation.

At most one of a, a+1 is a multiple of 3.
If exactly one of a, a+1 is a multiple of 3, then
would not be a multiple of 3. This is a contradiction, since 2001 is a multiple of 3.

Thus, neither of a, a+1 is a multiple of 3, hence a ==1(mod 3)

If n is odd, then:
a^(n+1) - (a+1)^n =2001
=> a^(n+1)-(a+1)^n 2001(mod 3)
=> 1^(n+1)-2^n ==0 (mod3)
This leads to a contradiction.
Hence, n is even
Then, we must have:
a^(n+1)-(a+1)^n =2001
=> a^(n+1) - (a+1)^n == 2001 (mod (a+1))
=> (-1)^(n+1) - 0^n == 2001(mod a+1)
=>-1 ==2001(mod a+1)
=> 2002 == O (mod a+1)
=> a+1 | 2002

As previously noted, we also have a| 2002
Thus, both a and a+1 are divisors of 2002

Since gcd(a, a+1) =1,
It follows that:
a(a+1) | 2002
Then, a(a+1)<=2002, so a<45.

From the prime factorisation of:
2002= (2)*(7)*(11)*(13)
We get that the only positive integer dovisors of 2002 which are less than 45 corresponds to:
Of these potential values, only a=10000 and a=13 are such that a+1 is a divisor of 2002.
But, if a=1, then a^(n+1) - (a+1)^n = 1 - 2^n This leads to a contradiction.

It remains to analyse the case of a=13
Suppose n>2, then:
13^(n+1)-14^n =2001
=> 13^(n+1)-14^n ==2001 (mod8)
=>13^(n+1)== 1(mod 8)
=>(13^n)*(13)== 1(mod 8)
=> (1)*(5)==1 (mod 8)
This leads to a contradiction.

Since n is even, the only remaining possibility is n=2

By direct evaluation, it can be verified that:

Therefore, a=13, n=2 is the only solution in positive integers to the given equation.

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