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Unlucky Horse (Posted on 2023-12-06) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Seven horses in a farm in Kentucky,
Of three blacks, the oldest is a daddy;
Of two browns, the 3 year old male is called BILLY,

And the horse SNOWY is white as a lily.

Of two half-sister mares, the black won in the Derby
She's a shade lighter than her daughter, BEAUTY
BEAUTY and her cousin LUCKY, both half the age of their auntie,

But faster than either ROCKY or SUNNY.

Three of the horses are ready for the Derby,

A horse must be three years to be an entry;

Maybe this year the farm gets lucky, Their stallion's loss last year was a pity.

CHALLENGE: Describe the horse that lost in last year's derby.

  Submitted by K Sengupta    
Rating: 5.0000 (1 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
SNOWY, a 4 year old male white horse lost last year.

The Derby is for three year old horses. Therefore only a current four year old horse could have lost last year.

SNOWY is the only horse which could have been three last year (four this year).

The farm is preparing three of the seven horses for this years Derby. There must therefore be at least three 3-year old horses among the seven. BILLY is 3-years old. Necessarily, BEAUTY and her cousin LUCKY must be 3 years old both. (They are of the same age). Beauty's mom could not be three because she won in the Derby before. The oldest black is even older than BEAUTY's mom.
BEAUTY's aunt could not be three. If she were, then SNOWY must also be three to complete the three entries this year. This would mean that no horse would be four years old as BEAUTY and LUCKY would be one and a half years old. BEAUTY's mom won in the DERBY as a three year old, she could not win and lose at the same time. (The riddle suggests that the farm did not win last year so the mom must be over 5 years old).

In sum, if BILLY, BEAUTY, and LUCKY are three years old, their aunt must be six. BEAUTY's mom must be five or more. The oldest black must be older than the black mom. Only SNOWY could be four this year.

SNOWY is white (given), 4 years as deduced, and male from the fact that it was a stallion which lost last year.

The names of BEAUTY's mom and aunt and that of the oldest black are immaterial. The same is true with the color of lucky.

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No SubjectK Sengupta2024-02-14 01:23:25
No SubjectAlex2024-02-13 21:35:55
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