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Puzzle Strips 2 (Posted on 2003-12-22) Difficulty: 3 of 5
The numbers and symbols below are placed onto six vertical strips of paper:
        8    -    2    9    ×    1
        +    1    =    5    1    5
        =    9    0    2    ÷    6
        1    =    5    6    =    1
Rotate and rearrange the strips so that four valid equations appear across the rows.

Note: Consider the numbers as they appear on a digital watch; 0, 1, 2, 5 and 8 are the same when rotated 180°, while 6 and 9 rotate to each other.

  Submitted by DJ    
Rating: 4.2857 (7 votes)
Solution: (Hide)

1 8 = 2 × 9
9 + 6 = 1 5
5 = 1 0 ÷ 2
1 1 - 5 = 6
We start out with:
8  -  2  9  ×  1
+  1  =  5  1  5
=  9  0  2  ÷  6
1  =  5  6  =  1
First, notice that since each there are six characters to a line, and only four operations, each row must contain a two-digit number.
The first row needs an equals sign in order to make a complete equation, and the bottom one has two. That means the second or fifth strip needs to be rotated.
Let's try flipping the second one:
8  =  2  9  ×  1
+  6  =  5  1  5
=  1  0  2  ÷  6
1  -  5  6  =  1
The first line, now, seems to lend itself to an equation:
1  8  =  2  ×  9
5  +  6  =  1  5
6  =  1  0  ÷  2
1  1  -  5  =  6
That also allows the bottom row to work; the middle two do not. Simple inspection shows that flipping the first strip solves the puzzle:
1  8  =  2  ×  9
9  +  6  =  1  5
5  =  1  0  ÷  2
1  1  -  5  =  6

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  Subject Author Date
Puzzle ThoughtsK Sengupta2023-06-16 00:00:23
SolutionUniqueness Verification (by hand)nikki2005-01-07 19:41:56
re: One Solution -- verification of uniquenessCharlie2003-12-22 18:52:44
SolutionOne Solutionstan2003-12-22 08:43:59
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