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No Eggs-aggeration (Posted on 2025-03-03) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Bob loves to cook and eat eggs. He just had a plate full of fried eggs, followed by a bowl of scrambled. Now he wants some poached eggs, or maybe hard boiled, but in spite of cooking them for a very very long time, they are still not done. Where is Bob?

  Submitted by Kenny M    
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Eggs are cooked by using heat to denature and solidify the proteins. This requires about 70C minimum. Boiled and poached eggs are cooked in boiling water. Water boils at the temperature where its vapor pressure equals the surrounding atmospheric pressure. So, if one is at a high enough altitude, where the air pressure is lower, the boiling temperature of water will be too low to cook the egg. Under standard/average conditions, for water to boil at 70C or below, the altitude needs to be about 28350ft above sea level (or higher). So, the top of Mt. Everest, which is above 29000ft, would be one theoretical solution. A similar solution would have Bob riding a hot air or helium ballon at the same high altitude. Another potential (very close) solution would find Bob inside a functioning US Apollo spacecraft circa 1970s. These operated at 5psi internal air pressure, which would result in a boiling temperature of about 73C, so maybe. Sources on the web state that if the eggs did cook at 73C, it could take an hour or longer. Space suits used for leaving the spacecraft also operate at 5psi, but I don’t think Bob could cook eggs inside of one. I can’t think of any other solutions where the egg would not cook, and Bob would still be alive and able to cook and eat the eggs normally. Maybe others on this site have some additional solutions?

Comments: ( You must be logged in to post comments.)
  Subject Author Date
re(3): soln and cooking hintKenny M2025-03-08 18:27:13
re(2): soln and cooking hintSteven Lord2025-03-08 15:14:43
re: soln and cooking hintKenny M2025-03-08 07:27:51
soln and cooking hintSteven Lord2025-03-05 08:18:04
re: or alsoKenny M2025-03-03 20:34:47
or alsoLarry2025-03-03 11:00:55
Solutionpossible solutionCharlie2025-03-03 08:56:55
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