Since he explained it clearly and succinctly, allow me to copy (almost verbatim) from Charlie's solution below:
The formula for the speed of an object when that object is moving at speed s1 with respect to another object that is already moving at speed s2 in the same direction is (s1+s2)/(1+s1*s2/c^2), where c is the speed of light.
The speed of light is 670616629.384395 mi/hr, so A's ship is moving at 670616619.384395 mi/hr relative to B's.
So the bullet, in B's frame of reference, is travelling at:
(1000+670616619.384395) / (1+1000*670616619.384395/(670616629.384395^2))
= 670616619.384424 mi/hr, or just .000029 mi/hr more than A's ship itself.
The alternative version, with A shooting rearward, just reverses the sign of the 1000 mi/hr:
(-1000+670616619.384395) / (1-1000*670616619.384395/(670616629.384395^2))
= 670616619.384365 mi/hr, or just .000030 mi/hr less than A's ship itself.
Of course, in A's frame of reference, the bullet travels at 1000 mi/hr, regardless of the direction. |