Spirit of 76 with no products (Posted on 2004-07-13)
Can you find a 76 digits multiple of 2^76, written exclusively with sixes and sevens (as asked in "Spirit of 76"), starting with the (given) value of 2^76, and doing nothing but a (relatively) few sums?
(To be more precise: you should be able to do this by hand, with just pencil and paper, in a reasonably short time -- minutes, not hours or days.)
Start with N=2^76 (given)
Set K=N
Set I=1
While I isn't greater that 76
look at the I-th digit of N, from the right
while it isn't a 6 or 7, add K to N
Multiply K by 10
Add 1 to I
Take the 76 leftmost digits of N as the answer.
At the end (before taking the 76 leftmost digits), N can be written as Px10^76+Q, and Q is written with sixes and sevens only. Since N and Px10^76 are multiple of 2^76, it follows that Q also is a multiple of 2^76, and that's the why of the last instruction of the algorithm.
On average, the "add K to N" order is done twice, so we need about 152 sums to solve the problem.
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