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Hidden Elements (Posted on 2004-09-17) Difficulty: 2 of 5
In these 12 sentences there hides a common theme, however, one is a red herring. List all parts of the theme and spot the odd one out.

1. The vicar bonsaied the attractive pine tree
2. Australia's most senior consul furnished her home with delightful antiques
3. After removing a sod, I umpired the rest of the football match
4. The engineer is an old pro toning down systems for everybody's use
5. An apple a day keeps the doctor away
6. The corn on the cob altered my view; I really was hungry
7. Let's have a game of one on one
8. I was afraid that they would see the fossil I concealed
9. With the budgerigar gone, it suddenly sounded more peaceful
10. We added basil very slowly to the boiling soup
11. The suite was deluxe; none of us could afford it though
12. The muezzin calls, summoning the faithful to prayers.

  Submitted by Rob    
Rating: 2.2000 (10 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
The answers are:

1. carbon
2. sulfur
3. sodium
4. RED HERRING!! (proton - well done Oskar!!)
5. lead
6. cobalt
7. neon
8. silicon
9. argon
10. silver
11. xenon
12. zinc

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  Subject Author Date
Puzzle Thoughts K Sengupta2023-07-06 01:11:07
SolutionNo SubjectDej Mar2008-05-19 09:00:23
SolutionSolutionartemis2005-03-05 18:17:50
re: mendel - ayevBedhed2005-01-13 20:06:42
Some Thoughtsre: answersassy2004-10-06 16:10:26
answerchris lafont2004-10-02 02:26:29
Hidden Elementslinda foss2004-09-30 10:47:51
It's English I tell you!debbie2004-09-28 19:32:09
re(5): mendel - ayev / DAVID SHINS memoAdy TZIDON2004-09-19 03:46:44
re(4): mendel - ayevDavid Shin2004-09-18 13:16:06
re(3): mendel - ayevBruce Brantley2004-09-18 08:36:49
Got itIra Jewell2004-09-17 17:03:26
Hints/Tipsre(2): mendel - ayevAdy TZIDON2004-09-17 09:50:23
SolutionAnswerOskar2004-09-17 09:14:03
re: mendel - ayevSyzygy2004-09-17 08:17:40
Solutionmendel - ayevAdy TZIDON2004-09-17 08:11:58
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