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Two Barbers (Posted on 2002-12-27) Difficulty: 2 of 5
A Man is visiting a town and decides to get his hair cut.

He asks a boy where he can find a barber and the boy says there are only two barbers in the town.

The boy shows him the first one. Inside the barber has hair all over the floor, dirt everywhere and long uneven hair.

He goes to the other one and sees the barber is dressed in pristine clothing, well cut, and his floors are well swept and clean.

The man changes his mind and goes to the other barber.

Why does he do this?

  Submitted by Matthew Bobbins    
Rating: 3.7333 (15 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
Since there are only two barbers in the town, it is obvious that they must be cutting each other's hair. Therefore, the barber with the good cut must have gotten it from the other guy, whose hair is messy, while giving him the bad haircut.

Therefore, the barber with the messy hair must be better at what he does.

Comments: ( You must be logged in to post comments.)
  Subject Author Date
SolutionNice PuzzleK Sengupta2007-03-04 04:01:38
No SubjectMatt Man2005-08-27 03:17:20
simplehumfoozneydannle2005-01-02 00:52:11
too easysam2004-08-06 07:09:26
SolutionHeard b/4Justine Dawson2003-09-16 13:38:28
way too easy!calla tah-n2003-06-13 20:51:10
re: A is better!Tim Axoy2003-05-24 04:22:40
SolutionA is better!Silly Jilly2003-05-23 13:18:13
SolutionTHE TWO BARBERSTim Axoy2003-05-23 13:13:26
Distinctly Dodgyejaculoy2003-02-13 04:41:14
Some Thoughtswho cares about cleanliness??sach2002-12-30 13:34:10
easyJenna2002-12-30 07:49:56
re: Easy Solutiongagga2002-12-30 05:16:26
Easy SolutionKevin2002-12-30 02:05:55
Two Barbers : My GuessRavi Raja2002-12-29 20:09:00
my guessJason Scott Clark2002-12-28 15:11:20
2nd is not a barberAJ2002-12-28 14:00:31
Hee heeMatthew Bobbins2002-12-28 09:05:02
No Subjectbrian2002-12-28 04:51:51
Solutionre: My GuessTomM2002-12-27 22:59:56
My Guessnp_rt2002-12-27 21:18:36
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