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2,000,000 Coin Tosses (Posted on 2003-03-03) |
If a coin is tossed 2,000,000 times, what is the probability that it will come up exactly 1,000,000 times each heads and tails?
Submitted by Charlie
Rating: 3.0000 (8 votes)
Method 1: The distribution is the binomial distribution for 2,000,000 trials with p=1/2. We want the random variable to have the value 1,000,000. This occurs with probability C(2000000,1000000)/2^2000000, where C(n,r) is the combinations of n things taken r at a time. The numbers involved are too large to compute directly, but we can use logarithms and the definition of C(n,r). As C(n,r) = n!/(r! (n-r)!), and an approximation for ln(x!) that is excellent for large values of x is:
ln(x!)=x(x+.5) – x + 1/(12x) – 1/(360x^3) + 1/(1260x^5) + ln(2*pi)/2
and since ln(a/b)=ln(a)-ln(b) and ln(2^p)=p ln(2), the natural log of our answer is ln(2,000,000!) – 2 ln(1,000,000!) – 2,000,000 ln(2) = 27017323.65031588 – 2 (12815518.38465817) – 2,000,000 (.6931471805599453) = −7.480120345950127
The natural anti-log of this is 0.000564189513564, or about 1/1772.
Method 2: The binomial distribution is approximated by the normal distribution. The mean for 2,000,000 trials with p = 1/2 is 1,000,000 and the standard deviation is the square root of n*p*q or the square root of 2,000,000 * 1/2 * 1/2 . That square root is 707.1067811865476, so we want the central 1/707.1067811865476 of the bell curve, or from z-value −1/1414.213562373095 to + 1/1414.213562373095, which is 0.000564189536532, or about 1/1772.
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