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Numbered Cards (Posted on 2007-07-23) Difficulty: 4 of 5
Consider a deck of 10 cards numbered in order from 1 to 10. Pick up the first five cards (1 to 5). Randomly discard one and take the 6. Randomly discard one again and take the 7. Continue until the 10 has just been taken.

a) What is the expected average of the five cards in the final hand?
b) What is the expected value of the smallest card in the final hand?

Recompute parts a) and b) where you still hold 5 cards, but go all the way through a 100 card deck.

  Submitted by Jer    
Rating: 4.0000 (1 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
Part a) Has a recursive structure. Let An be the average after the nth card has been pulled. A5=3; An=(4An-1+n)/5.
This can be written explicitly as
An = n - 4 + 22n-9/5n-5

A(10)=6+211/55 = 6.65536
A(100)=96+2191/595 = 96.000000001243308091

Part b) Call L(n) the expected lowest card after pulling card n.
L(n)=6n-5/5n-5 holds only up to n=10.
L(10)=65/55 = 7776/3125 = 2.48832
But L(11) is only 46536/15625, slightly less than 46656/15625.
My best attempt at L(100) involved Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind and using excel I know it is very close to

Not exactly 89 7/12 because the chances of the smallest card being 4,3,2, or 1 are slightly different than what I actually did. Charlie gave the exact rational result.

Comments: ( You must be logged in to post comments.)
  Subject Author Date
re: statistics on the 126hoodat2007-07-25 03:18:53
statistics on the 126Charlie2007-07-24 13:42:56
re(3): Jer: -- the rest of the tableCharlie2007-07-24 12:56:02
re(2): Jer:Charlie2007-07-24 12:53:38
re: Jer:Charlie2007-07-24 10:44:24
re(3): computer-assisted solutionCharlie2007-07-24 10:27:27
Some ThoughtsJer:hoodat2007-07-24 09:37:06
re(2): computer-assisted solutionVernon Lewis2007-07-24 04:14:15
re: computer-assisted solutionCharlie2007-07-24 00:06:53
Solutioncomputer-assisted solutionCharlie2007-07-23 23:46:20
re: Some starting thoughtsJer2007-07-23 20:34:51
Some ThoughtsSome starting thoughtsLeming2007-07-23 14:39:02
SolutionSolution to a & bhoodat2007-07-23 14:32:23
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