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Ways of the Grid (Posted on 2007-12-04) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Start with a square grid cut from graph paper, say N x N. Mark the lower left intersection as the origin, so that the x and y coordinates each go from 0 to N. From the origin to any other intersection in the square there are a number of ways of traversing the grid lines to get there in the shortest possible path. For example, there are six ways of getting to (1,5) from the origin, and there are also six ways of getting to (5,1) and likewise for (2,2). So there are three intersections where the number of ways is six.

For a particular value of N, there are four intersections with the same number of ways to get there via a shortest path such that these intersections all occur within the top-right quarter of the square, or at least on its border. That is, all four have x≥N/2, y≥N/2. The number of ways in question is less than 10,000.

What is the number of different shortest routes to each of these intersections?

  Submitted by Charlie    
Rating: 3.0000 (1 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
On a 10x10 grid there are 3003 ways of getting to (5,10), (6,8), (8,6) or (10,5).

 1     11     66    286   1001   3003   8008  19448  43758  92378 184756
 1     10     55    220    715   2002   5005  11440  24310  48620  92378
 1      9     45    165    495   1287   3003   6435  12870  24310  43758
 1      8     36    120    330    792   1716   3432   6435  11440  19448
 1      7     28     84    210    462    924   1716   3003   5005   8008
 1      6     21     56    126    252    462    792   1287   2002   3003
 1      5     15     35     70    126    210    330    495    715   1001
 1      4     10     20     35     56     84    120    165    220    286
 1      3      6     10     15     21     28     36     45     55     66
 1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10     11
 1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1
 Program to find the answer:
 DECLARE FUNCTION combi# (n#, r#)
 DIM num(500), numCt(500), numLow(500)
 FOR x = 0 TO 20
 FOR y = 0 TO x
   c = combi(x + y, x)
   did = 0
   FOR i = 1 TO diffNums
     IF num(i) = c THEN
      IF y = x THEN
       numCt(i) = numCt(i) + 1: did = 1
       numCt(i) = numCt(i) + 2: did = 1
      END IF
      IF y < numLow(i) THEN numLow(i) = y
     END IF
   IF did = 0 THEN
     diffNums = diffNums + 1
     num(diffNums) = c
     numLow(diffNums) = y
     IF y = x THEN
       numCt(diffNums) = 1
       numCt(diffNums) = 2
     END IF
 FOR i = 1 TO diffNums
   IF numCt(i) = 4 AND numLow(i) >= x / 2 THEN
     PRINT num(i), numCt(i), x, numLow(i)
 FUNCTION combi (n, r)
  IF r = 0 OR r = n THEN combi = 1: EXIT FUNCTION
  a = n: b = r: c = n - r
  comb = n / (b * c)
    a = a - 1: b = b - 1: c = c - 1
    IF a > 1 THEN comb = comb * a
    IF b > 1 THEN comb = comb / b
    IF c > 1 THEN comb = comb / c
  LOOP UNTIL a < 2
  combi = INT(comb + .5)

 Addition to give the above table of values:
  FOR y = 10 TO 0 STEP -1
  FOR x = 0 TO 10
    c = combi(x + y, x)
    IF c < 1000000 THEN
     IF c = 3003 THEN COLOR 14:  ELSE COLOR 7
     PRINT USING \\"#######\\"; c;
    END IF
 Based on Enigma No. 1465 by Richard England, New Scientist, 20 October 2007.

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  Subject Author Date
AnswerK Sengupta2008-12-28 00:45:36
SolutionNo SubjectDej Mar2007-12-04 21:23:47
SolutionVia a Spreadsheetbrianjn2007-12-04 18:05:12
Solutiona solutionDennis2007-12-04 11:46:38
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