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Velvet Ties (Posted on 2008-02-25) Difficulty: 2 of 5
Substitute each letter by a different digit from 0 to 9 to satisfy this alphanumeric multiplication problem.


Note: Neither V nor T can be 0.

  Submitted by K Sengupta    
Rating: 3.5000 (2 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
VELVET = 183184, TIE = 428
183184 = (428)*(428)


Since the result of the multiplication is a six digit number, it follows that T ≥ 3. Also the last digit of the result, which is a perfect square, is represented by T, and accordingly, T = 4, 5, 6, 9.

If T=5, then we must have E=5, which is a contradiction.

A similar violation corresponding to the provisions of the problem occurs whenever T=6, which gives E=6. Thus, T = 4 or 9.

If T=4, then the last digit of VELVET is 4 only when E = 2 or 8. Likewise, if T =9, then it follows that E = 3 or 7. This leads to the following cases.

Case (i) : 4I2*4I2 = V2LV24, for I != 2, 4
Case (ii) : 4I8*4I8 = V8LV84, for I != 4, 8
Case (iii) : 9I7*9I7 = V7LV79, for I != 7, 9
Case (iv) : 9I3*913 = V3LV39, for I != 3, 9

Of all the four cases, only case (i) yields a valid solution, that is:
428*428 = 183184, whenever V=1, I=2, L=3, T=4 and E=8

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  Subject Author Date
Solutionvelvet ties - solutioned bottemiller2008-02-26 12:33:41
re(2): SolutionDej Mar2008-02-26 00:27:31
re: SolutionJosie Faulkner2008-02-25 12:59:56
SolutionSolutionDej Mar2008-02-25 12:31:04
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