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Sum of Radii (Posted on 2008-03-12) Difficulty: 4 of 5
Let ABC be an arbitrary triangle and O, r, and R its circumcenter, inradius, and circumradius respectively.
Let OA, OB, and OC be the midpoints of sides BC, CA, and AB respectively.

For X = A, B, and C let

     SX = |OOX|  if the line segment OOX intersects
                 the interior of triangle ABC,

        = -|OOX| otherwise.
Prove that r + R = SA + SB + SC.

  Submitted by Bractals    
Rating: 3.6667 (3 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
The proof is a little different for acute, obtuse, and right triangles.
I will do it for acute and obtuse triangles and leave right triangles for the reader.
To make the proofs easier, add line segments OA, OB, OC, OAOB, OBOC, and OCOA.
Let a, b, and c be the sides of triangle ABC opposite vertices A, B, and C respectively.
Let s = (a + b + c)/2 be the semiperimeter.

Acute Triangle:

The area of triangle ABC is

     rs = a/2 |OOA| + b/2 |OOB| + c/2 |OOC|                      (1)
Applying Ptolemy's theorem to cyclic quadrilateral AOCOOB gives

     |OBOC||OA| = |AOC||OOB| + |AOB||OOC|


     a/2 R = c/2 |OOB| + b/2 |OOC|                               (2)
Similarly for cyclic quadrilaterals BOAOOC and COBOOA

     b/2 R = a/2 |OOC| + c/2 |OOA|                               (3)

     c/2 R = b/2 |OOA| + a/2 |OOB|                               (4)
Adding equations (1)-(4) and dividing by s gives

     r + R = |OOA| + |OOB| + |OOC|                               (5)

Obtuse Triangle:

WOLOG let angle C be obtuse.
The area of triangle ABC is

     rs = a/2 |OOA| + b/2 |OOB| - c/2 |OOC|                      (6)
Applying Ptolemy's theorem to cyclic quadrilateral AOOCOB gives

     |AOC||OOB| = |OBOC||OA| + |AOB||OOC|


     a/2 R = c/2 |OOB| - b/2 |OOC|                               (7)
Applying Ptolemy's theorem to cyclic quadrilateral BOAOCO gives

     |BOC||OOA| = |OCOA||OB| + |BOA||OOC|


     b/2 R = c/2 |OOA| - a/2 |OOC|                               (8)
Applying Ptolemy's theorem to cyclic quadrilateral COBOOA gives

     |OAOB||OC| = |COB||OOA| + |COA||OOB|


     c/2 R = b/2 |OOA| + a/2 |OOB|                               (9)
Adding equations (6)-(9) and dividing by s gives

     r + R = |OOA| + |OOB| - |OOC|                               (10)
Combining equations (5) and (10) gives

     r + R = SA + SB + SC     

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  Subject Author Date
SolutionTriangle trigonometryChesca Ciprian2008-03-13 16:11:17
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