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Pandigital Squares II (Posted on 2008-03-15) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Adrian asked some friends to each make up a list of four perfect squares greater than zero, each having no more than four digits, that together use all ten digits exactly once.

Alice's and Brian's lists contained exactly two squares in common. Carol's list had no square in common with either Alice's or Brian's. David found a different set.

What was Carol's list and what was David's list?

  Submitted by Charlie    
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The only possible lists are:

1, 36, 784, 9025
9, 16, 784, 3025
9, 81, 324, 7056
9, 81, 576, 2304

Only the last two share two squares (9 and 81), so they must be Alice's and Brian's, but we don't know which is which.

The second list shares a number with those two, and so can't be Carol's list.

So Carol's list must be the first one, and David's is the second.

OPEN "squarely.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
DIM sq(100)
FOR i = 1 TO 99
sq(i) = i * i

FOR a = 1 TO 96
s1$ = LTRIM$(STR$(sq(a)))
FOR b = a + 1 TO 97
s2$ = s1$ + LTRIM$(STR$(sq(b)))
FOR c = b + 1 TO 98
s3$ = s2$ + LTRIM$(STR$(sq(c)))
IF LEN(s3$) >= 6 AND LEN(s3$) <= 9 THEN s4$ = s3$ + LTRIM$(STR$(sq(d)))
IF LEN(s4$) = 10 THEN
REDIM had(9): good = 1
FOR i = 1 TO 10
v = VAL(MID$(s4$, i, 1))
IF had(v) THEN good = 0: EXIT FOR
had(v) = 1
IF good THEN
PRINT sq(a); sq(b); sq(c); sq(d)
PRINT #2, sq(a); sq(b); sq(c); sq(d)

Based on Enigma No. 1478, "Yours squarely", by Adrian Somerfield, New Scientist, 26 January 2008.

Comments: ( You must be logged in to post comments.)
  Subject Author Date
AnswerK Sengupta2009-01-01 16:20:47
SolutionComputer solutionEigenray2008-03-17 01:28:10
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