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maximum square folding (Posted on 2008-10-16) Difficulty: 2 of 5
Start with a square piece of paper. Label the vertices ABCD. Pick a point on CD and label it E. Fold along the line BE. Label the new location of C as C'. Find the point F on AD such that when folding along BF it makes the new location of A coincide with C'. Now lastly find a point G on AD such that when folding along EG it makes the new location of D lie on EF (either EC' or A'F). After all 3 of these folds are completed you should have a new irregularly shaped quadrilateral FBEG.

For simplicity's sake assume the original square is of unit length. Now the 2 problems are:

1) If x is the length of CE, then give an equation for the area of FBEG based on x.

2) Find the x that maximizes the area of FBEG

  Submitted by Daniel    
Rating: 3.5000 (2 votes)
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Bractals offers an excellent analytical solution
and Charlie offers a great computer solution

answer to 1,

the easiest way I found to compute the area is to find
the area for the 3 triangles BCE,EGD, and ABF and subtract
them from the area of the original square.

area of BCE:
well BC=1 CE=x and angle BCE=90 thus its area is simply x*1/2=x/2

area of EGD:
from this point on let < signify angle
thus thus triangles BEC and EGD are similar
area is DG*ED/2=x*(1-x)^2/2

area of ABF:
Tan( Tan(45- (Tan(45)-Tan( Tan(45)=1
Tan( (1-x)/(1+x)=AF
thus the area is AB*AF/2=(1-x)/(2x+2)

adding up these areas we get

and to get the area of FBEG we subtract this from one
thus if A(X) is the area of FBEG then

now to answer part 2,

the border values are A(0)=1-(1/2)=1/2
and A(1)=1/2

now to try and find an extreme value betwen 0 and 1
we solve A'(x)=0
x=0 already considered this value above
x can't be negative so we are left with
this gives A(x)=(125-35*sqrt(10))/27=0.530381
which is greater than either border value

thus A(x) is maximized when x=(sqrt(10)-1)/3=0.720759
giving a maximum area of 0.530381
this corresponds to

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  Subject Author Date
Puzzle AnswerK Sengupta2022-06-27 02:09:45
Solutionnumerical solutionCharlie2008-10-16 15:44:40
SolutionSolutionBractals2008-10-16 15:36:53
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