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Novel Discussion (Posted on 2009-10-29) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Over the next five weeks, the Weekly Book Club is hosting discussions of five bestselling authors' new novels, including "Nth Degree", to help members decide whether to buy the books as holiday gifts. Each club meeting will be at a different member's house, with one at Ms. Arnold's residence; and each will feature a different one of the five books.

It is known that:

1. The Weekly Book Club's meeting at Jane's house is one week before the meeting at Mrs. Dennis's residence, which is one week before the meeting where author Stephen Meyer's new novel will be discussed.

2. One week after Ms. Edgar has the book club at her house, the members will discuss the new novel by Paula Roth.

3. "Pizza in Paradise" will be discussed by the club one week before the new novel by author Natalie Sparks.

4. One week after the book lovers discuss "The Night Runner", Laurie will be hostess to the club meeting.

5. The discussion of Michael Albom's latest book isn't the one at Jane's house.

6. The club's discussion of "Rough and Tumble 21" isn't the one at Monica's house.

7. In three consecutive club meetings first-to-last, Ms. Bradley will be hostess, the group will discuss "Mindfield", and Kate will welcome the members into her home.

8. Discussion of Jack Grissom's new novel isn't scheduled for Ms. Charles's residence.

9. Nicole is hosting the club one week before the group talks about Michael Albom's novel.

10. Natalie Sparks's new novel, which isn't "Mindfield", isn't the book scheduled for discussion at the club meeting at Ms. Bradley's residence.

11. Kate, who isn't Ms. Dennis, isn't hostess for the discussion of Stephen Meyer's book.

From the abovementioned clues, determine the Weekly Book Club's pre-holiday schedule: at whose home each meeting from first to fifth will be held and the novel and its author who will be discussed at each meeting.

  Submitted by K Sengupta    
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week 1: Jane Arnold; Pizza in Paradise by Jack Grissom
week 2: Monica Dennis: Nth Degree by Natalie Sparks
week 3: Nicole Bradley: The Night Runner by Stephen Meyer
week 4: Laurie Edgar: Mindfield by Michael Albom
week 5: Kate Charles: Rough and Tumble 21 by Paula Roth

For an explanation, refer to the solution submitted by rod hines in this location.

Comments: ( You must be logged in to post comments.)
  Subject Author Date
SolutionSame Solution as Charlie's Analyticallyrod hines2009-11-30 17:42:44
Solutioncomputer solutionCharlie2009-10-29 18:05:42
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