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Home > Shapes > Geometry
Triangle Divided (Posted on 2010-04-15) Difficulty: 2 of 5

Let P be a point in the interior of an equilateral triangle.

Three line segments connect P with the vertices of the 
triangle and three line segments connect P perpendicularly
to the sides of the triangle.

These six line segments divide the triangle into six smaller
triangles that surround P.

If u, v, w, x, y, and z denote the areas of the triangles 
around P in that order, then prove that

                     u + w + y = v + x + z.

  Submitted by Bractals    
Rating: 2.5000 (2 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
For each side of the equilateral triangle construct a line through
P that is parallel to that side.

Each line segment from P to a vertice is a diagonal of a
parallelogram formed by two of the parallel lines thus constructed
and two sides of the original equilateral triangle. Thus, it divides
it into two congruent triangles.

Each line segment from P to a side is an altitude of an equilateral
triangle formed by that side and two of the parallel lines so
constructed. Thus, it divides it into two congruent triangles.

Thus, the original equilateral triangle is divided into twelve smaller

Color the triangle areas denoted by u, w, and y - leave those
denoted by v, x, and z as uncolored.

Six of the twelve triangles are colored and for each colored triangle,
there exists a corresponding uncolored triangle that is congruent.

Therefore, u + w + y = v + x + z.

Note: The above explanation seems more complicated than looking
      at the constructed figure.

Comments: ( You must be logged in to post comments.)
  Subject Author Date
re(4): Easy when you know howbroll2010-04-19 04:32:53
Questionre(3): Easy when you know howHarry2010-04-18 21:45:01
re(2): Easy when you know howbroll2010-04-18 02:54:55
Questionre: Easy when you know howHarry2010-04-17 23:11:25
SolutionEasy when you know howbroll2010-04-17 07:39:28
Some ThoughtsApproachbroll2010-04-16 14:46:46
re: Approach.Bractals2010-04-16 08:12:58
QuestionApproach.Vee-Liem Veefessional2010-04-16 00:13:22
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