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Light bulb (Posted on 2002-05-16) Difficulty: 2 of 5
A light bulb is hanging in a room. Outside of the room there are three switches, of which only one is connected to the lamp. In the starting situation, all switches are off and the bulb is not lit.

You are allowed to enter the room only once (the bulb is not visible from outside). How can you determine which of the three switches turns on the light bulb?

  Submitted by Half-Mad    
Rating: 3.2500 (24 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
To find the correct switch (1, 2, or 3), turn switch 1 on and leave it like that for a few minutes. After that you turn switch 1 back off, and turn switch 2 to on. Now enter the room. If the light bulb is lit, then you know that switch 2 is connected to it. If the bulb is not lit, then it has to be switch 1 or 3. Now touching the light bulb, will give you the answer: if the bulb is still hot, then switch 1 was the correct one; if the bulb is cold, then it has to be switch 3.

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  Subject Author Date
SolutionPuzzle SolutionK Sengupta2022-01-09 07:02:53
Solutionwhat about an assistant?Pedro Felipe2007-11-23 01:28:38
Some Thoughtsamazing !!!assaf2007-01-13 11:09:18
Some Thoughts4 switches?Andre2005-09-02 18:00:52
Some ThoughtsSolution... Kind of...Stephen Ticsay2005-04-15 01:37:27
I got it!Lisa2004-04-21 09:36:13
Some Thoughtsre: A Funny Soultionlogischer Verstand2004-04-13 17:21:13
Solutionmy waylogischer Verstand2004-04-13 17:18:23
An interesting wayAllison Smetana2003-04-28 11:08:08
solutionnas2003-01-14 07:31:37
SolutionA Funny SoultionMegan2002-09-07 10:27:30
i know the answer! hehehe i smartMel2002-08-22 11:44:08
only 1 bulbSean2002-05-26 07:29:50
duh!!theBal2002-05-17 09:49:19
Solutionpage4102002-05-17 07:32:13
easytheBal2002-05-16 07:33:30
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