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Logical connectives (Posted on 2012-01-24) |
Let P|Q mean "P and Q are both false." P|Q is true if P and Q are both false, and false otherwise. Define the following logical connectives just using P, Q, |, and parentheses.
1. ~P (not P)
2. P&Q (P and Q)
3. PVQ (P or Q)
4. P->Q (P implies Q)
5. P<->Q (P if and only if Q)
Submitted by Math Man
Rating: 4.6667 (3 votes)
1. P|P
2. (P|P)|(Q|Q)
3. (P|Q)|(P|Q)
4. ((P|P)|Q)|((P|P)|Q)
5. ((P|P)|Q)|(P|(Q|Q))
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