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Concurrent Rays (Posted on 2016-08-20) |
Let I be the incenter of ΔA0A1A2.
For i = 0, 1, and 2:
Let Mi be the midpoint of the side opposite vertex Ai.
Let Si be the reflection of Mi about ray AiI.
Prove that rays A0S0, A1S1, and A2S2, are concurrent.
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Submitted by Bractals
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A0, A1, A2, M0 as A, B, C, M, pro
tem, and denoting
the intersections of A0I and A0S0 with BC by P
and Q, and the
lengths MP and PQ by d and e; then using usual notation:
Since AP bisects /QAM: AM/AQ =
d/e (1)
Since /MAC = /QAB, the sine rule used in triangles MAC and
QAB gives: AM/AQ = (MC sinC)/(QB
sinB) = (MC/QB)(c/b)
then, using (1): d = e(MC*c)/(b*QB)
= e(a/2)c/(b(a/2
– d – e))
from which: e = bd(a –
2d)/(ac + 2bd) (2)
Since AP bisects /BAC: PC/BQ = (a/2
+ d)/(a/2 – d) = b/c
from which: d = a(b – c)/(2(b
+ c)) (3)
Using (3) to substitute for d in (2), after much simplifying
e = abc(b – c)/((b
+ c)(b2 + c2)
so that BQ = a/2 – d – e then simplifies to give
BQ = ac2/(b2
+ c2) and CQ = ab2/(b2 + c2)
Thus BQ/CQ = c2/b2
Now reverting to the given notation, with Q becoming Q0,
and having corresponding points Q1 and Q2 on other sides,
it follows that (using scalar lengths):
(A1Q0/A2Q0)(A2Q1/A0Q1)(A0Q2/A1Q2) = (c2/b2)(a2/c2)(b2/a2)
= 1
and, by the converse of Ceva’s theorem, AiSi, (i = 1,2,3)
….there must be a simpler way! – should BQ/CQ
= c2/b2
be more readily obtainable??
Posted by Harry
on 2016-08-24 17:03:58 |
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