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Bug on a Cube 2 (Posted on 2023-11-27) Difficulty: 3 of 5
A bug is placed at one corner of a wire frame in the shape of a cube. At the diagonally opposite corner is a piece of sugar.

The bug crawls along the 12 wires of the frame searching for the sugar. At each of the 8 corners the bug randomly chooses one a wire to follow next with the additional rule that it can never cross the same wire twice.

What is the probability that it will dead-end by reaching a corner with no available wires? In the case where it does reach the sugar, what is the expected number of edges the bug traverses?

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Label the 4 vertices closest to you A,B,C,D; and the 4 furthest from you in the same direction E,F,G,H.
A connects to B,D,E.
B connects to C and F.
D connects to C and H.
E connects to F and H.
C,F,H connect to G.
If you lay out the cube, flattened into 2 dimensions and draw all the connections, you get something like:

0   1   2   3 <-- "layers"
    B   C
A  D   F   G (Goal)
    E   H

Every move changes the position to an adjacent layer; it is impossible to move and also stay on the same layer.

wlog, the first 2 moves can be considered A to B to C.  At this point, there is a 50% chance of going to the goal, ABCG, (50% chance that the answer is 3); and a 50% chance the bug returns to Layer 1, ABCD.
Consider now the latter 50%, the bug is (wlog) at D and has moved 3 so far.
The 3 edges A to B, B to C, C to D are all gone; 9 edges remain.

Assuming 3 moves so far without reaching the goal, location is D.
If you redraw the diagram without the 3 missing edges, you get the topological equivalent of:

|  |  |

ABCG (1/2)      3 moves  (the other 50%; not on the above diagram)
ABCDHG (1/8)    5 moves
ABCDHEAD (1/16) Dead end
ABCDHEFG (1/32) 7 moves
ABCDHEFB (1/32) Dead end
ABCDAEHD (1/16) Dead end
ABCDAEHG (1/16) 7 moves
ABCDAEFG (1/16) 7 moves
ABCDAEFB (1/16) Dead end

Dead End probability:  1/16 + 1/32 + 1/16 + 1/16 = 7/32
Question 2:
Expected value, sum this list then divide by 25/32: 
(1/2)*3  = 48/32
(1/8)*5  = 20/32
(1/32)*7 =  7/32
(1/16)*7 = 14/32
(1/16)*7 = 14/32
        103/32 * (32/25) = 103/25 = 4.12 moves (or edges)

  Posted by Larry on 2023-11-27 11:33:39
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