A cigarette is standing vertically on its butt. You cannot touch it with any object(solids, liquids or gases). That goes for the foundation also. How can you make it drop? Asking another person to do it does not count.
Does using a vacuum cleaner count? If I put a straw/vacuum cleaner near it and create a partial vacuum near one side, the in rush of air will knock it over. But I didn't FORCE the air to rush in to fill the vacuum, it did that on its own.....
Or is this disallowed also? Then what WOULD be allowed. Some force must act on it, and if I cause that force to occur then is that necessarily disallowed? What forces don't involve direct object interaction? I think photons count as objects -- they do have mass.
Mass....gravity? It wouuld take a pretty massive object placed very near the cigarette to pull it over by force of gravity, so that is probably out.
Being a "bar bet" makes me suspect a trick of some kind is involved....