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Home > Algorithms
Word Ladder Construction (Posted on 2004-01-15) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Write an algorithm to create word ladders such as any of the following:
hard bard bird bind bins
hard ward word wood wool
hard herd head dead dean
hard hand band bind bins
hard harp hasp wasp wisp

where a word is given which must be transformed into some other word (not specified in advance) with the same number of letters, but each letter position changed from its original value, in as many steps as there are letters in the word, each step also being a valid word. This is similar to the various Word Meld puzzles on this site, except there are as many steps as there are letters in the word and each letter is changed, with each letter position being changed exactly once.

Input consists of the starting word only. It is assumed that the number of steps will be the same as the number of letters in the word. Available are files containing lists of words of any given length; call one such file, say WORDS5.TXT containing a list of words of 5 letters each, and so on. The program will find all the eligible word ladders given the words in the list.

The program will, of course, terminate without finding any results if in fact a word ladder cannot be constructed starting with the input word.

See The Solution Submitted by Charlie    
Rating: 3.0000 (4 votes)

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Solution Solution (VB) Comment 7 of 7 |
This Visual Basic program is a lot simpler (if lengthy) than the overcomplicated algorithm I posted on 1/16/2004.
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Math
Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim strinputword As String = LCase("and")
        Dim strwordlist(600000) As String
        Dim intwordlistloop As Integer = 599999
        Dim intloopnew As Integer
        Dim strladder1(0, 0) As String
        Dim strladder2(0, 0) As String
        Dim intladdersize As Integer
        Dim intladderloop1 As Integer
        Dim intladderloop2 As Integer
        Dim strstring As String
        Dim strstarttime As String
        Dim intcount1 As Integer
        Dim strend As String
        strstarttime = TimeOfDay
        Console.WriteLine( _
        strstarttime & ": " & _
        "Beginning execution with word " & strinputword)
        build_wordlist(strinputword, _
        strwordlist, _
        intwordlistloop, intloopnew)
        intladdersize = Len(strinputword) + 1
        ReDim strladder1(100000, intladdersize)
        ReDim strladder2(100000, intladdersize)
        intladderloop1 = 99999
        intladderloop2 = intladdersize - 1
        For index1 As Integer = 0 To intladderloop1
            For index2 As Integer = 0 To intladderloop2
                strladder1(index1, index2) = " "
        gen_ladders(strladder1, strladder2, _
        intladderloop1, intladderloop2, _
        strinputword, _
        strwordlist, intwordlistloop)
        intcount1 = 0
        For index1 As Integer = 0 To intladderloop1
            If strladder1(index1, intladderloop2) <> " " Then
                intcount1 += 1
            End If
        If intcount1 = 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine( _
            "No word ladders found for this word.")
            write_wordladders( _
            strladder1, intladderloop1, intladderloop2)
        End If
        Console.WriteLine( _
        "Began ladder construction at " & strstarttime)
        Console.WriteLine(TimeOfDay & ": done")
        strend = "?"
        While strend <> "x"
            Console.WriteLine("Enter x to terminate program.")
            strend = LCase(Console.ReadLine())
        End While
    End Sub

    Sub build_wordlist(ByRef strinputword, _
    ByRef strwordlist, _
    ByRef intwordlistloop, ByRef intloopnew)
        Dim strword As String
        Dim strflag As String
        Dim objStreamReader As StreamReader
        objStreamReader = _
        New StreamReader("C:VB.WORD.MASTER")
        intloopnew = 0
        While 100 > 0
            strword = objStreamReader.ReadLine
            If strword <= "" Then
                Exit While
            End If
            strword = LCase(strword)
            If Len(strword) = Len(strinputword) Then
                strwordlist(intloopnew) = strword
                intloopnew += 1
                If intloopnew > intwordlistloop Then
                    Console.WriteLine( _
                    "Increase strwordlist file " & _
                    Str(intloopnew) & Str(intwordlistloop))
                    Exit While
                End If
            End If
        End While
        If intloopnew > intwordlistloop Then
        End If
        intwordlistloop = intloopnew
        strflag = "n"
        For index1 As Integer = 0 To intwordlistloop
            If strinputword = strwordlist(index1) Then
                strflag = "y"
                Exit For
            End If
        If strflag = "n" Then
            Console.WriteLine( _
            strinputword & " is not a valid word")
            strinputword = " "
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub gen_ladders(ByRef strladder1, ByRef strladder2, _
    ByRef intladderloop1, ByRef intladderloop2, _
    ByRef strinputword, _
    ByRef strwordlist, ByRef intwordlistloop)
        Dim intendloop1 As Integer
        Dim intsub9 As Integer
        For index1 As Integer = 0 To intladderloop1
            strladder1(index1, 0) = strinputword
            For index2 As Integer = 1 To intladderloop2
                strladder1(index1, index2) = " "
        seed_strladder1(strladder1, _
        intladderloop1, intladderloop2, _
        strwordlist, intwordlistloop, strinputword)
        For intnextword As Integer = 2 To intladderloop2
            For index1 As Integer = 0 To intladderloop1
                For index2 As Integer = 0 To intladderloop2
                    strladder2(index1, index2) = " "
            intendloop1 = -100
            For index99 As Integer = intladderloop1 To 0 Step -1
                If strladder1(index99, intnextword - 1) <> " " Then
                    intendloop1 = index99
                    Exit For
                End If
            If intendloop1 < 0 Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            intsub9 = 0
            For intladder As Integer = 0 To intendloop1
                addaword(intladder, intnextword, _
                strladder1, strladder2, _
                intladderloop1, intladderloop2, _
                strwordlist, intwordlistloop, _
                intendloop1, intsub9)
            For index1 As Integer = 0 To intladderloop1
                For index2 As Integer = 0 To intladderloop2
                    strladder1(index1, index2) = _
                    strladder2(index1, index2)
    End Sub

    Sub seed_strladder1(ByRef strladder1, _
    ByRef intladderloop1, ByRef intladderloop2, _
    ByRef strwordlist, ByRef intwordlistloop, _
    ByRef strinputword)
        Dim strword As String
        Dim strnewword As String
        Dim strwork1(50) As String
        Dim strwork2(50) As String
        Dim intsub1 As Integer
        Dim intcount1 As Integer
        strinputword = LCase(strinputword)
        intsub1 = 0
        For index1 As Integer = 0 To 49
            strwork1(index1) = " "
        intsub1 = 0
        For index1 As Integer = 1 To Len(strinputword)
            If Mid(strinputword, index1, 1) >= "a" And _
            Mid(strinputword, index1, 1) <= "z" Then
                strwork1(intsub1) = Mid(strinputword, index1, 1)
                intsub1 += 1
            End If
        For index1 As Integer = 0 To intwordlistloop
            strword = LCase(strwordlist(index1))
            For index10 As Integer = 0 To 49
                strwork2(index10) = " "
            intsub1 = 0
            For index2 As Integer = 1 To Len(strword)
                If Mid(strword, index2, 1) >= "a" And _
                Mid(strword, index2, 1) <= "z" Then
                    strwork2(intsub1) = Mid(strword, index2, 1)
                    intsub1 += 1
                End If
            intcount1 = 0
            For index2 As Integer = 0 To 49
                If strwork1(index2) <> strwork2(index2) Then
                    intcount1 += 1
                End If
            If intcount1 <> 1 Then
                GoTo loopnext823
            End If
            If strladder1(intladderloop1, intladderloop2) <> " " Then
                For index76 As Integer = 0 To 4
                    Console.WriteLine("strladdder1 has too few rows")
            End If
            For index10 As Integer = 0 To intladderloop1
                If strladder1(index10, 1) = " " Then
                    strladder1(index10, 1) = strword
                    GoTo loopnext823
                End If
    End Sub
    Sub addaword(ByRef intladder, ByRef intnextword, _
    ByRef strladder1, ByRef strladder2, _
    ByRef intladderloop1, ByRef intladderloop2, _
    ByRef strwordlist, ByRef intwordlistloop, _
    ByRef intendloop1, ByRef intsub9)
        Dim strprevword As String
        Dim strword As String
        Dim strwork1(50) As String
        Dim strwork2(50) As String
        Dim intsub1 As Integer
        Dim intcount1 As Integer
        If strladder1(intladder, intnextword - 1) = " " Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Console.WriteLine( _
        Str(intladder) & _
        " of " & Str(intendloop1) & ";" & _
        strprevword = LCase(strladder1(intladder, intnextword - 1))
        intsub1 = 0
        For index1 As Integer = 0 To 49
            strwork1(index1) = " "
        intsub1 = 0
        For index1 As Integer = 1 To Len(strprevword)
            If Mid(strprevword, index1, 1) >= "a" And _
            Mid(strprevword, index1, 1) <= "z" Then
                strwork1(intsub1) = Mid(strprevword, index1, 1)
                intsub1 += 1
            End If
        For index1 As Integer = 0 To intwordlistloop
            strword = LCase(strwordlist(index1))
            For index10 As Integer = 0 To 49
                strwork2(index10) = " "
            intsub1 = 0
            For index2 As Integer = 1 To Len(strword)
                If Mid(strword, index2, 1) >= "a" And _
                Mid(strword, index2, 1) <= "z" Then
                    strwork2(intsub1) = Mid(strword, index2, 1)
                    intsub1 += 1
                End If
            intcount1 = 0
            For index2 As Integer = 0 To 49
                If strwork1(index2) <> strwork2(index2) Then
                    intcount1 += 1
                End If
            If intcount1 <> 1 Then
                GoTo loopnext425
            End If
            For index2 As Integer = 0 To intnextword - 1
                If strword = _
                strladder1(intladder, index2) Then
                    GoTo loopnext425
                End If
            strladder1(intladder, intnextword) = strword
            If strladder2(intladderloop1, 0) <> " " Then
                For indexerr As Integer = 0 To 4
                    Console.WriteLine( _
                    "ERROR: strladder1,strladder2 too small")
            End If
            For index20 As Integer = 0 To intladderloop2
                strladder2(intsub9, index20) = _
                strladder1(intladder, index20)
            intsub9 += 1
            strladder1(intladder, intnextword) = " "
            GoTo loopnext425
    End Sub

    Sub write_wordladders( _
    ByRef strladder1, ByRef intladderloop1, ByRef intladderloop2)
        Dim objStreamWriter As StreamWriter
        objStreamWriter = _
        New StreamWriter("C:VB.WORDLADDERS")
        Dim strstring As String
        Dim intcount1 As Integer
        Console.WriteLine( _
        "Writing wordladders...")
        intcount1 = 0
        For index1 As Integer = 0 To intladderloop1
            If strladder1(index1, intladderloop2) <> " " Then
                intcount1 += 1
                strstring = ""
                For index2 As Integer = 0 To intladderloop2
                    If strladder1(index1, index2) <> " " Then
                        strstring &= strladder1(index1, index2)
                        strstring &= " "
                    End If
            End If
        Console.WriteLine( _
        "Done. " & Str(intcount1) & " records written.")
    End Sub
End Module


Edited on November 7, 2004, 8:13 am
  Posted by Penny on 2004-11-07 08:04:17

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