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The smallest sum (Posted on 2012-06-02) |
Find three distinct integers, X, Y and Z, such that X + Y, X + Z, Y + Z, X - Y, X - Z, and Y - Z are all squares of integers.
Apparently, there are many solutions.
Find the set [X, Y, Z] with the smallest X + Y + Z.
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Submitted by Ady TZIDON
Rating: 4.6667 (3 votes)
Some thoughts (spoiler)
Comment 8 of 8 |
With the restriction that Z = -Y, the necessary squares are reduced to three in number; namely X + Y, X – Y and 2Y.
If we write X + Y = a2, X – Y = b2 2Y = c2
then X = (a2 + b2)/2, Y = (a2 – b2)/2
and we require that a2 = b2 + c2. We can use standard formulae to generate all coprime Pythagorean triples (a, b, c) using positive integers p, q, k, with p and q coprime and of opposite parity, and with p > q.
Case 1: a = k(p2 + q2), b = k(p2 – q2), c = 2kpq
giving: X = k2(p4 +q4) and Y = 2k2p2q2
For small values of p, q, k, these generate [X,Y] pairs like: [17,8], [68,32], [97,72], [153,72], [257,32], [272,128], [337,288]...
Case 2: a = k(p2 + q2), b = 2kpq, c = k(p2 – q2)
giving: X = k2(p4 + q4 + 6p2q2)/2 and Y = k2(p2 – q2)2/2
Since p and q have opposite parity, in case 2, X and Y will be integers iff k is even. So we could put k = 2K and for K = 1, 2, .. use the modified formula:
X = 2K2(p4 + q4 + 6p2q2) and Y = 2K2(p2 – q2)2
For small values of p, q, k, these generates [X,Y] pairs like: [82,18], [328,72], [626,50], [706,450], [738,162], [1312,288]...
If k = 1, only coprime triples (a, b, c) will be generated by the coprime pairs (p, q). So the parameter k is needed to produce all multiples of these triples.
Posted by Harry
on 2012-06-09 18:43:21 |
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