You are presented below with a text coded by choosing procedure:
Certain 14 letters out of the 26 were chosen and presented by a set A of 7 couples of distinct letters. The. remaining form set B (12 in total).
Any sentence could be coded using the original (i.e. unchanged) letters and (where applicable) either one of the couple belonging to A.
Thus “sentence “ could be replaced by “snntnnce” if there were a couple “en” in set A.
Also “” could turn into “preplexzx.niff” if some other 7 couples were chosen.
“”Our code begins **
a. S.S. sks k.k.k. the Ykmd.
k. “ So shae” wkw cnmpowtd bb Mlltw Ravlw io 1959.
Sheo hid ehey hit?
** code ended**
Find the code, get the original text and then provide answers.