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e pluribus unum ii (Posted on 2004-01-22) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Below are three groups of three numbers each. Combine the numbers in each group using the standard binary operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation) so that each group yields the same number.
  1. 3, 15, 18
  2. 10, 13, 36
  3. 24, 27, 39

For an example, see the first problem.

See The Solution Submitted by DJ    
Rating: 4.7143 (7 votes)

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Some Thoughts Attempt at a computer solution | Comment 1 of 13
The following program fails to find a solution. The program itself tries to produce all possible results and place them in a file with the result at the beginning of each record. That file is sorted and then another program looks for matches with three different equations producing them.

I had written a program for pluribus 1, but due to a bug (not permuting the numbers) did not find the answer. This program could have some other bug, or the answer is more exotic than allowed for here:


op$ = "+-*/^"
DATA 3,5,18, 10,13,36, 24,27,29
FOR i = 1 TO 3
  FOR j = 1 TO 3
    READ opnd(i, j)

OPEN "epluribs.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #2

FOR eq = 1 TO 3
  FOR op1 = 1 TO 5
   err1 = 0
     CASE 1
       rslt1a = opnd(eq, 1) + opnd(eq, 2)
     CASE 2
       rslt1a = opnd(eq, 1) - opnd(eq, 2)
     CASE 3
       rslt1a = opnd(eq, 1) * opnd(eq, 2)
     CASE 4
       rslt1a = opnd(eq, 1) / opnd(eq, 2)
     CASE 5
       IF LOG(opnd(eq, 1)) * opnd(eq, 2) < 300 * LOG(10) THEN
        rslt1a = opnd(eq, 1) ^ opnd(eq, 2)
        rslt1a = 1: err1 = 1
       END IF
   IF err1 = 0 THEN
     FOR op2 = 1 TO 5
       err1 = 0
       err2 = 0
       SELECT CASE op2
         CASE 1
           rslt2a = opnd(eq, 2) + opnd(eq, 3)
           rslt1 = rslt1a + opnd(eq, 3)
         CASE 2
           rslt2a = opnd(eq, 2) - opnd(eq, 3)
           rslt1 = rslt1a - opnd(eq, 3)
         CASE 3
           rslt2a = opnd(eq, 2) * opnd(eq, 3)
           rslt1 = rslt1a * opnd(eq, 3)
         CASE 4
           rslt2a = opnd(eq, 2) / opnd(eq, 3)
           rslt1 = rslt1a / opnd(eq, 3)
         CASE 5
           IF LOG(opnd(eq, 2)) * opnd(eq, 3) < 300 * LOG(10) THEN
            rslt2a = opnd(eq, 2) ^ opnd(eq, 3)
            rslt2a = 1: err2 = 1
           END IF
           IF LOG(ABS(rslt1a)) * opnd(eq, 3) < 300 * LOG(10) THEN
            rslt1 = rslt1a ^ opnd(eq, 3)
            rslt1 = 0: err1 = 1
           END IF
       SELECT CASE op1
         CASE 1
           rslt2 = opnd(eq, 1) + rslt2a
         CASE 2
           rslt2 = opnd(eq, 1) - rslt2a
         CASE 3
           rslt2 = opnd(eq, 1) * rslt2a
         CASE 4
           rslt2 = opnd(eq, 1) / rslt2a
         CASE 5
           IF LOG(opnd(eq, 1)) * rslt2a < 300 * LOG(10) THEN
            rslt2 = opnd(eq, 1) ^ rslt2a
            rslt2 = 1: err2 = 1
           END IF

       IF err1 = 0 THEN
         PRINT #2, rslt1; TAB(30);
         PRINT #2, USING "## "; eq;
         PRINT #2, USING " # ## ! ## ! ##"; 1; opnd(eq, 1); MID$(op$, op1); opnd(eq, 2); MID$(op$, op2); opnd(eq, 3)
       END IF
       IF err2 = 0 THEN
         PRINT #2, rslt2; TAB(30);
         PRINT #2, USING "## "; eq;
         PRINT #2, USING " # ## ! ## ! ##"; 2; opnd(eq, 1); MID$(op$, op1); opnd(eq, 2); MID$(op$, op2); opnd(eq, 3)
       END IF

  NEXT op1

  flag = 0
  IF opnd(eq, 1) < opnd(eq, 2) THEN
   IF opnd(eq, 2) < opnd(eq, 3) THEN
    SWAP opnd(eq, 2), opnd(eq, 3)
    IF opnd(eq, 3) < opnd(eq, 1) THEN
     h = opnd(eq, 1)
     opnd(eq, 1) = opnd(eq, 2)
     opnd(eq, 2) = opnd(eq, 3)
     opnd(eq, 3) = h
     h = opnd(eq, 3)
     opnd(eq, 3) = opnd(eq, 2)
     opnd(eq, 2) = opnd(eq, 1)
     opnd(eq, 1) = h
    END IF
   IF opnd(eq, 2) < opnd(eq, 3) THEN
    SWAP opnd(eq, 2), opnd(eq, 3)
    SWAP opnd(eq, 1), opnd(eq, 3): flag = 1
  PRINT opnd(eq, 1), opnd(eq, 2), opnd(eq, 3)


  Posted by Charlie on 2004-01-22 11:21:33
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