This sentence has three As, two Cs, two Ds, nineteen Es, six Fs, two Gs, five Hs, ten Is, two Ls, twelve Ns, nine Os, five Rs, twenty six Ss, sixteen Ts, four Us, four Vs, eight Ws, four Xs, and two Ys.
How many other similar self-referential statements can you come up with (there exist a relatively small finite number of possibilities)?
(In reply to
re(3): Two sentencess by SilverKnight)
Bah, I think I might give up. I wrote a program for it in about 20 minutes, but haven't been able to find anything yet. Perhaps I'm doing it wrong.
My basic algorithm:
Create sentence
"Sams wonderfully original sentence contains _ As, _ Bs ..."
Count As, insert into first hole. Re-generate sentence.
Do the same for all letters.
Loop until sentence stops changing.
Inserted words: "No" "One" "A Couple" "Three" "Four" ... "A Dozen" ... "Nineteen" "Twenty" "Many"
No dice yet, with any variation on the intitial part of the sentence above.
Anyone have a better method? This one is kind of slow...
Edited on February 1, 2004, 5:13 pm
Posted by Sam
on 2004-02-01 17:10:51 |