This sentence has three As, two Cs, two Ds, nineteen Es, six Fs, two Gs, five Hs, ten Is, two Ls, twelve Ns, nine Os, five Rs, twenty six Ss, sixteen Ts, four Us, four Vs, eight Ws, four Xs, and two Ys.
How many other similar self-referential statements can you come up with (there exist a relatively small finite number of possibilities)?
By a similar statement it is intended that all the statements are identical to this one, aside from the actual number-words used, as in:
This sentence has three As, one B, two Cs, two Ds, thirty Es, five Fs, three Gs, ten Hs, seven Is, one J, one K, two Ls, one M, fourteen Ns, twelve Os, one P, eight Rs, twenty three Ss, twenty two Ts, three Us, five Vs, eight Ws, and four Ys.
Posted by DJ
on 2004-02-02 07:44:57 |