Here are a few from "A collection of word oddities and trivia", which can be found at
AEGILOPS (alternate spelling of egilops, an ulcer in a part of the eye) is apparently the longest word in W2 which consists of letters in alphabetical order. Aegilops is also also a genus of mollusc and a genus of grass. CHILLLOSS (the opposite of a heatloss) has its letters in alphabetical order, although this word may not be in any dictionary. The title of the film EFIK MOVY was written abcdEFghIjKlMnOpqrstuVwxYz to show the alphabetical-order property. BEEFILY and BILLOWY are the longest such words in OSPD2+.
TROLLIED seems to be the longest word in W3 with the letters in reverse alphabetical order. There are also SPOON-FEED and SPOON-FED (although these words are usually spelled with hyphens), SNIFFED, SPIFFED, SPOOFED, SPOOKED, SPOOLED, TROOLIE (a palm tree), and TSONECA (a Patagonian language). SPONGED and WRONGED are the longest such words if repeated letters are not allowed.