You have a 4×5 chess board as follows:

You can move the four bishops in any order (not necessarily alternating black and white), provided that no move puts a piece in danger of being captured by a bishop of the opposite color.
What is the fewest number of moves needed for the black and white bishops to exchange places?
The first question is simply 'is it possible?'.
1. a2-b3 2. e4-b1 3. e2-d3 4. b3-d1 5. b1-a2 6. d3-c4
7. a4-c2 8. c2-e4 9. d1-c2 10. c4-e2 11. a2-c4 12. c2-b1
13. e2-d1 14. d1-a4 15. c4-b3 16. b1-d3 17. b3-a2 18. d3-e2
the next question is 'are there wasted moves in this example?'
You tell me.
Posted by Eric
on 2004-02-28 12:58:51 |