Little Suzy has a tricycle (you know, with three wheels). She wants to travel 1 mile with the tricycle, but she wants to spare her tyres (you know the price on tricycle tyres just keep going up). She is taking 2 spare tyres.
Assume she knows when to exchange wheels so that each of them travels an equal distance. How far does each wheel travel at the end of one mile? How did she exchange the wheels?
If Suzy can ride a mile she is old enough to ride a big tricycle with a chain and more importantly having all three wheels of the same size. Now the hubs of the rear wheels is not the same as the hub of the front wheel so she will have to change the tires not the wheels. This means she will need the tools to change and inflate the tires and it will take a long time. Suzy isn't too bright is she?
Now that I've covered the silly stuff, it seems to me you have 3 tires going 1 mile for a total of 3 miles on 5 tires. That means each tire gets .6 miles. If you go .4 miles then change the 2 rear tires, go .2 miles, put one of the old rear on the front, go .2 miles, put the other old rear on the front and go .2 miles you will have put .6 miles on each tire.
(in tenths)
Can anyone do it in less than 3 changes?
Edited on February 29, 2004, 11:52 am
Posted by Axorion
on 2004-02-29 11:41:54 |