What do the following words have in common?
Several options:
One - as Penny says, they all consist of letters
Two - specifically, they all consist of letters, derived from the Greek, in standard use today.
Three - they are all taken from the English language
Four - they all mean different things
Five - I haven't spoken any of them out loud in conversation during the last year.
Six - they have all been listed as having something in common in a puzzle at http://perplexus.info
Seven - none of them could sensibly be used to describe a bucket
Eight - they all fit into this stupid sentence: A fleet of haggard bibliophiles rode hogback into a sweltering downdraft of devilment-cauing irtrons.
Nine - they can all be used to create a moronic list of things that they have in common that you've just wasted valuable seconds of your life reading.
There's probably some sensible things as well, but frankly I don't have time for them.
Posted by Iain
on 2004-03-21 16:48:31 |