What two words, formed from different arrangements of the
same six letters, can be used to complete the sentence below?
"Judging from its climate records, Murmansk may be one of
the ------ ------ in the world."
(In reply to
More subsea abuses from the posted depots... by Penny)
Recent archaelogical evidence has surfaced linking the west African city of Blute, Guinea-Bissau to the northern city of Murmansk, Russia. This recently proffered evidence suggests that around 5,000 B.C., modern day Guinea-Bassua was inhabited by two families of reigning patriarchs, Roy and Ernie Blute. History records that they did enjoy a good seventy years of peaceful cohabition until suspicions flaired and disaster befell the camp. One such anecdote of interest relating this unpleasant rift is as follows:
One morning in Blute, Guinea-Bissau, Ernie happened by the garden where Roy was working. "Excellent flowers", said Ernie. "I think you grow the bluest bluets of all of Blute's Blutes." "Thanks", replied Roy. "What brings you by my place this morning?" "I was on my way to the acquarium to check on one of my young salmon", said Ernie. "I'm afraid I'm raising the lamest samlet in the world." "Are you feeding it enough iron, zinc and copper?" inquired Roy. "Given the right metals, the lamest samlet will thrive." "I'll speak to Bert, my partner, about that", said Ernie. "I'm about to meet him for breakfast. Care to join us? We're having t'meals." "No, thank you, Ernie," said Roy shuffling through the deck of cards used in last night's poker game...
"What?! What's this?" Roy held aloft the ace of spades in his right hand, as his left unveiled a convicting and misplaced second from the deck. "Royal flush my bloody bum you sniveling cheat!"
Whereby, Roy whose rage no longer containable, ordered the wholesale slaughter of all of his brother's camels. Ernie, incredulous at being called a cheat and now bereft of all camels, was left little choice but to change his name to Murmansk (Russian for "Blute"), and to carve out his own niche in the frigid wastelands of Hyperboria.
Edited on April 5, 2004, 1:32 am