Find a 3x3 magic square that is composed of 9 prime numbers (not the numbers from 1-9) and show how you found it.
(A magic square, as you may already know, is one in which the respective sums of the numbers in all the rows, columns, and both major diagonals all add up to the same number.)
Since "Magic Square" is a term used outside the scope of this problem, I'm sure you can find an answer on the internet. Please find a solution independently.
Using a "Prime sequence" comment, I found an arithmetic sequence of primes(I didn't check to see if it was optimized):
17 6947 13877 20807 27737 34667 41597 48527 55457
Changing these to x, x+y, x+2y and so on, I made a magic square:
7y+x, x , 5y+x
2y+x, 4y+x, 6y+x
3y+x, 8y+x, y+x
Changing back:
48527 17 34667
13877 27737 41597
20807 55457 6947
Also using another sequence from the same comment:
199 409 619 829 1039 1249 1459 1669 1879
1669 199 1249
619 1039 1459
829 1879 409
Well, instead of googling a solution, I was really floobling a solution.
I'm sorry, that was bad.
Edited on April 8, 2004, 4:17 pm
Posted by Tristan
on 2004-04-08 16:16:38 |