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Where are you going for your holiday? (Posted on 2004-04-02) Difficulty: 2 of 5
What two words, formed from different arrangements of the same six letters, can be used to complete the sentence below?

"Judging from its climate records, Murmansk may be one of the ------ ------ in the world."

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Rating: 2.7778 (9 votes)

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re(4): hi | Comment 24 of 32 |
(In reply to re(3): hi by Penny)

Just for you, Penny:  Here are the latest archaelogical findings recording the "sacred songs" of the Blute tribe.  Apparently these ancient people were actually forerunners to the modern day limerick.  Let's have a look:

(NOTE:  These are only translations and don't reflect the actual gut-wrenching anguish and passion of these primitive, but strangely compelling people).


The Blutes Brothers (by Roy Blute, Jr.)

There once were two brothers named Blutes

Who were raised on the pleasures of roots

When Roy came of age

He let loose all his rage

And kicked his poor brother's big glutes


...and another one...


In Memoriam (by Ernie Blount, Sr.)

There once was a Blute from Murmansk

Who, though lively and spry, couldn't dance.

For Ernie would say,

That his brother would pay

For shooting his camels Mr. T, Regis Philbin, Aristotle and Penny (from flooble).  <-- UNTRANSLATABLE


(NOTE:  It is common knowledge that Ernie named his camels after his own personal heroes and heroinnes.  It's a pity that the last line is untranslatable.  In the original tongue, it would send streams of tears down anyone's eyes.)

And as far as your second question goes, we don't actually "fix" *broken* bayonets.  On the contrary, "fix" as it's used here means "attach" (as in rifles) and it's the current motto of this years Colorguard, of which--yours truly--is the modest commander of.  As an interesting bit of trivia, we initially had to vote on "subsea abuses," "posted depots," and "iciest rivers" and one of those three was actually going to be our motto.  However, we quickly abandoned that idea when I pointed out that "iciest rivers" didn't form two words that when formed from different arrangements of the same six letters, can be used in the sentence above.   Naturally, we then went back to the drawing board and came up with the more gung-ho one you see in print today.



(P.S.  I tried to e-mail [ hidden ] and got this "mailer-daemon" error message.  What gives old man?)




Edited on April 9, 2004, 1:43 pm
  Posted by Benjamin J. Ladd on 2004-04-09 12:11:29

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